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What is your strategy for minimizing your tax bills?

A. I work seamlessly with an experienced tax professional to regularly produce detailed tax projections. My tax professional also helps to mitigate my tax burden whenever I’m faced with a substantial business or personal financial decision.
B. I’ve taken some steps to reduce my tax burden after researching options online and/or talking to other people in similar situations to my own.
C. I’ve thought about taking steps to reduce my taxes, but it’s a very confusing topic and I don’t know where to start.
D. Tax mitigation sounds illegal. Are you trying to get me thrown in jail?
That’s great! Apgar CPA strives to achieve this level of service for all of our clients.
Apgar CPA uses the Tax Planner Pro system to help you plan for, and minimize your taxes. If you choose this service, our experienced tax professionals will review your entire tax picture with you each quarter to identify and evaluate opportunities for tax savings.